一、科研项目参与情况 1.某场景要素特性数据模型与校验研究,主持,2023.03-2024.02(省部级军工项目); 2.典型光电***模型技术研究,主持,2023.04-2023.12(省部级军工项目); 3.红外成像系统探测器噪声求解器建模(210220210),主持,2022.05-2022.10(横向); 4.77779193永利官方博士科研启动基金(126022166),主持,2021.07-2023.07; 5.国家自然科学基金面上项目(62075176),参与,2021.01-2024.12; 6.国家自然科学基金青年项目(61705172),参与,2018.01-2020.12; 7.国防基础科学研究计划(JCKY2016208B001),参与,2017.01-2020.12; 二、代表性论文 在国际期刊发表高水平论文10余篇,论文代表作如下: [1]Hang YUAN, Xiao-rui WANG, et al. Space-based full chain multi-spectral imaging features accurate prediction and analysis for aircraft plume under sea/cloud background, Optics express, 2019, 27(18): 26027-26043. (2区,TOP) [2]Hang YUAN, Xiao-rui WANG, et al. Performance analysis of the infrared imaging system for aircraft plume detection from geostationary orbit, Applied optics, 2019, 58(7): 1691-1698. [3]Hang YUAN, Xiao-rui WANG, et al. Bidirectional reflectance characteristics of the sea surface based on mid-infrared measured data, Applied optics, 2018, 57(25): 7691-7701. [4]Hang YUAN, Xiao-rui WANG, et al. Modeling of the mid-wave infrared radiation characteristics of the sea surface based on measured data, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018, 93: 1-8. |